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Stop Waiting & Start Doing

Monday Morning Motivation...Stop Waiting & Start Doing

Your happiness is not defined or determined by anyone but you. You do not have to sit around and wait for someone else to make your dreams come true either. Every baby step you take toward your vision creates a monumental shift within you and your Universe. Before you know it, magic starts to happen and you don't even realize that you were the co-creator of it.

If this sounds too good to be true, I assure you that I have been on this journey myself and I am overjoyed at the progress I have made. For the past 4 years, I have been working towards becoming a Motivational Speaker and a Published Author. And on February 14, 2020, I followed God's calling to quit my full-time job and pursue my passion.

Within these past 9 months, I have become my dream and so much more.

1. I am a published co-author of "Transformation 2020" and I have another book on the way 2. I am an Inspirational Speaker 3. I am a 1:1 and Group Perspective & PositiviDee Coach 4. I have created 2 life-changing courses to educate and empower women to access and achieve boundless potential 5. I am a calendar girl - I was asked to model with my walker DIVA in the calendar "Women Empowered"

I am amazed at what I have manifested in such a short amount of time by taking responsibility for my decisions and being consciously aware of my thoughts, words, and actions.

I am not at the mercy of anyone or anything else. I am no longer waiting for someone to throw me a bone or a ball. And I am not allowing this pandemic or any other situation to thwart my progress.

I am standing on my own 2 feet and affirming that I am a spiritual leader and I help people on their healing journey.

Are your ready to re-define your current circumstances, re-design your path ahead, and get re-aligned with your purpose and passion? If so, I invite you to reach out and join my PositiviDee CommUNITY.

I am creating a safe and supportive place where we can learn, grow, and empower each other. I will be teaching AP (Adjusted Perspective) classes for grown ups. And I will help you step out of the stories in your mind so you can bravely blaze your path forward.

Give yourself permission to say "Yes" to you and respond to this e-mail with a big "Yes." And I will reach out to you directly to invite you into my PositiviDee CommUNITY. Let's do this together. YES!

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