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Healing the Disconnect

Did you know that spirituality is not the same as religion?

Spirituality is a gift you were born with. It is expansive and unconditional.

Religion is something you were taught growing up. It is much more defined and conditional.

God/Universe/Spirit (let’s call this Higher Power GUS for now) is everywhere,

including inside of your heart and soul.

You don't need to be in a church, down on your knees, or reading the bible in order to pray.

GUS doesn’t care where or when you talk to Him. He just wants you to start the conversation so you can reconnect to something greater than your immediate circumstances.

If you’re angry, share your frustrations with Him.

If you’re feeling emotionally abandoned, ask Him why.

When things are going well, thank GUS for your blessings.

Whether you are mad, sad, or glad, He is always listening.

Please know that GUS is never judging you.

He is unconditionally loving you on every step of your journey.

Even though GUS may not answer your prayers right away or the way you want Him to,

have faith and trust that He is guiding you in the right direction.

Opening your heart to GUS is a catalyst to healing.

Each baby step you take towards spirituality opens your heart and soul to inner peace and unconditional love.

You have the power to reconnect to GUS and heal the disconnect you feel within.

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