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5 Steps to Inner P.E.A.C.E.

There is no need to go on a search and rescue mission for peace.

You just need to know how to access it and I am going to give you some tips to make it easier.

Let's start by breaking it down.

P - Pause

When you feel stressed out and overwhelmed, stop, pause, and take a deep breath.

Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.

When you breathe in, affirm, "I am at peace."

And when you breathe out, allow all of the negative feelings to flow out of you.

E- Energy

Where your attention goes, energy flows so set an intention to focus on everything that's going right.

There is no need to fixate on what you don't have or haven't done yet.

When you find yourself slipping back into a negative mindset, choose to shift your attitude with gratitude.

By shifting your thoughts, you will also be reclaiming your energy.

A - Appreciation

Take time to acknowledge and appreciate yourself.

No one knows everything you have overcome and accomplished, so don't look outside of yourself for appreciation and validation.

Wrap your arms around your body, give yourself a big hug, and say, "I love and appreciate you."

C- Compassion

Make sure you are taking care of yourself and showing your body, mind, and spirit some love.

Focus on doing something that brings you joy.

When you put yourself at the top of your to-do list, you will be showing compassion to yourself and be able to share it with others without getting depleted.

E- Ease

Just because you have always been stressed or anxious, doesn't mean you have to stay that way forever.

The past has passed and, in this moment, you get to choose.

Even though life may not be easy, you have the power to approach it with ease and grace.

When you feel yourself getting sucked into the chaos, stop and affirm, "I am at ease."

Peace begins within.

The key to sustaining P.E.A.C.E. is staying consciously aware of how you are feeling in the moment.

Remember, it takes time, patience, and practice to create a new habit.

If you need to step away and take a minute for yourself, do it.

Nobody knows what you need more than you do.

If you are looking for other tips and techniques to shift your mindset and create peace within,

I invite you to buy a copy of my book "Your Daily Dose of PositiviDee."

I am donating 10% of the proceeds to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

With Gratitude & PositiviDee,


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