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The Power of Perspective with Dee DiFatta

In order to get out of our own way, it's time to take the first baby step and try something new. It's time to connect and share with others.

I have been writing for months but have not put anything out there yet. I am not going to let fear and self-doubt hold me back anymore. I've got this and here it is...

A few examples of The Power of Perspective:

Being Perfect vs Being a Work In Progress

Self-Sabotage vs Self-Care

Enduring Life vs Embracing Life

Fitting In vs Being EXTRAoridinary

We can do this together. Let's adjust our perspective.

Let's give ourselves permission to step outside of our comfort zones and try something new.

Let's get out of our own ways and become a better version of ourselves.

We got this!

You can reach out to Dee DiFatta at

Watch "A Dose of PositiviDee" every Sunday.

"A Dose of PositiviDee" starring Dee DiFatta features episodes that will bring you smiles, laughter, inspiration and motivation. By being authentic and sharing the camera with her dog, she keeps things positive and helps re-define perspective. She may be challenged with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but she has a feisty spirit that has helped her re-define her character and she is helping others find love, light and laughter one video at a time.

Caution: An overdose of PositiviDee will cause excessive smiling, laughter and a positive attitude.

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