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Hope of Healing

From Fed Up & Tired to Hopeful & Energized

Up until five years ago, I was on a search and rescue mission for someone or something to heal me.

I grew up believing that doctors had all the answers and

medicine was the only thing that could make me feel better.

At that time, I felt physically drained and emotionally depleted.

I was taking 3 different medications and none of them seemed to be working.

I was brought to my knees on more than one occasion and

was struggling to get through the days on my own 2 feet.

Then, one day, I couldn’t take it anymore. I reached out to God and said,

“I’ve had enough. I surrender my agenda and am asking You for help.”

At that moment, I experienced a spiritual awakening.

I started to hear things that other people couldn’t hear and see things that other people couldn’t see.

It felt like I had opened a portal to a different dimension.

A part of me felt like I was losing my mind. What happened? I couldn’t understand it.

Then, I heard a voice say, “Be not afraid.” Holy crap! What did I just do?

Out of nowhere, I became aware of the divine guidance all around me.

It’s as if I were experiencing life through a different lens and

I was seeing signs and synchronicities that I never knew existed.

I got curious and started exploring the significance of angel numbers

and the spiritual meaning of bugs and animals that crossed my path.

As I began to open my heart and mind, I became aware of the presence of

God, guardian angels, and spiritual guides all around me.

I was no longer alone and because I was steeped in this divine energy,

I started feeling reinvigorated.

This spiritual journey has allowed me to see beyond my physical circumstances.

Although I may appear disabled because I am still utilizing my walker DIVA to get around,

I am happier and healthier than I have ever been.

I know in my heart and soul that I am a perfect child of God and am already healed.

Being awakened has restored my faith in God, my belief in miracles,

my trust in the journey, and my love for myself and others.

I pray my story infuses you with hope and positive vibes

so you can start to see beyond your limitations and imagine other possibilities.

After years of leaning in and learning new things,

I believe I have been called to help you navigate your spiritual journey.

With perspective and PositiviDee, you can now travel down the path of least resistance

and start healing from the inside out.

As God’s Personal Servant (G.P.S.), I am here to hold space for your awakening.

I offer you support, encouragement, inspiration, and guidance on your spiritual journey.

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