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NO MORE Self-Sabotage

It is that time of year again when we make grandiose goals and resolutions. The issue with this is that we normally over-promise ourselves a bunch of things and then we under-deliver. This leads to self-sabotage and disappointment. And even worse, we feel unworthy and we define ourselves as failures.

It doesn't have to be this way.

We just have to Step Back and give it some thought.

A good starting point is to close your eyes and observe 2019 in your mind. Just observe without judgement. Acknowledge and appreciate yourself for surviving another year.

And then think about the big goal or resolution you have made for yourself in 2020. Is it attainable? Have you set yourself up for success or failure? Maybe you just have to break the big goal into Baby Steps so it's more manageable.

Just remember - Baby Steps inspire Big Shifts. Keep taking Baby Steps every day and set yourself up for success. Then, celebrate every little win. This will boost your confidence and encourage you to keep going.

NO MORE Self-Sabotage! Between the power within you and this new found awareness and perspective, you have what you need to be successful.

If you are ready to Re-Claim your Power and Re-Claim Your Life,

Don't wait for the next video to be published.

Check out my You Tube channel to see more videos on Perspective & Action.

Search Dee DiFatta or A Dose of PositiviDee.

I am here to support and encourage you.

Feel Free to Reach Out and Connect to me via:


and we can set aside some time to talk on the phone.

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