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The Rebirth of Consciously Connecting with Others

Back in the day, we used to connect with people face-to-face and talk on the telephone. We had much deeper conversations than we have today.

Maybe that's why we feel so alone these days.

But it doesn't take much to consciously connect.

You just have to make an honest effort to step outside of your comfort zone

and say, "Hi" to someone face to face.

Or pick up the phone and call someone.

I challenge you this week to consciously connect to someone and see how it feels. Acknowledge and appreciate someone face-to-face and see how it comes back to you.

If the person you say, "Hi" to looks at you like you have 3 heads, just laugh.

That was most likely the same reaction you had before

you became aware of something new and different.

Feel Free to Reach Out and Connect to me via:


and we can set aside some time to talk on the phone.

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