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Finding Love, Light & Joy

Finding Love, Light and Joy is Possible.

It just requires a shift in mindset.

When we adjust our thinking and focus on the positive (instead of the negative,) our reality transforms into something else.

When we start building ourselves up with our thoughts, words and actions (instead of tearing ourselves apart,) our perspective changes.

When we realize we are role models and our actions and reactions have an affect on others, we tend to step up our game.

When we make this shift within ourselves, it starts to transform our world. What we put out there, comes back to us.

You can reach out to Dee DiFatta at

Watch "A Dose of PositiviDee" every Sunday.

"A Dose of PositiviDee" starring Dee DiFatta features episodes that will bring you smiles, laughter, inspiration and motivation. By being authentic and sharing the camera with her dog, she keeps things positive and helps re-define perspective. She may be challenged with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but she has a feisty spirit that has helped her re-define her character and she is helping others find love, light and laughter one video at a time.

Caution: An overdose of PositiviDee will cause excessive smiling, laughter and a positive attitude.

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