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Embracing my new Character

I am embracing my new character "Wonder Sloth." I have come a long way from "Jumpy, The Stressed Out Dwarf" and I couldn't be happier. Being slowed down and mobility challenged with Multiple Sclerosis, I have learned to truly appreciate life. I may not move like Tigger" anymore but I will always have the same feisty spirit. Check out the mugs of my life. This is too funny.

Stay tuned to find out about all the new and exciting things coming in 2019. I am currently working on a course titled "The 5 As of Acceptance." It starts with the Awareness that we are all "A Work in Progress" and it addresses Acknowledgment, Appreciation, Attitude and Absolution. I am excited to share it with you. Please let me know if you if you are interested in participating in this.

Thank you for being a subscriber. If you know of anyone else who would benefit from this video or any of my other ones, I can be found at: (they can subscribe and never miss a video)

You Tube channel - "A Dose of PositiviDee (they can subscribe with a gmail account and never miss a video)

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Watch "A Dose of PositiviDee" every Sunday night.

"A Dose of PositiviDee" starring Dee DiFatta features episodes that will bring you smiles, laughter, inspiration and motivation. By being authentic and sharing the camera with her dog, she keeps things positive and helps re-define perspective. She may be challenged with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but she has a feisty spirit that has helped her re-define her character and she is helping others find love, light and laughter one video at a time. Caution: An overdose of PositiviDee may cause excessive smiling, laughter and a positive attitude.

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