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Keep Laughing

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to smile or laugh at something to make yourself feel better? I don’t know about you but I am grateful for the internet so I can view funny and uplifting videos at any time of the day or night. I joined Facebook about a year ago so I could share “The MS Funnies” with more people. As an added perk, I get to view very cute and sometimes funny videos that put a smile on my face and get me out of my funk. Life isn’t easy and a lot of times we are challenged with things that make us feel sad, angry or frustrated but we don’t have to stay this way. Believe it or not, we have the power within us to choose whether we stay in a bad mood or turn it around.

When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I chose to laugh primarily because in my opinion, this disease is a comedy of errors. No one knows how you get it, no one knows what symptoms you are going to have and no one knows how to cure it. Every day is a new adventure and I make sure that I share my funny stories about dropping things and tripping over my own two feet with other people so we can all get a good laugh. For me, laughing at myself and my challenges is therapeutic and my coping mechanism.

Just like any other human being, I have bad days when I can’t find my smile and it’s hard for me to laugh at my situation. Those are the times I choose to live vicariously through other people who can share their positive energy with me or I search out something positive online. The things that really make me laugh and smile are the following:

  1. My husband, my daughter and my dog (one of them are bound to crack me up)

  2. Funny online videos involving animals

  3. Blooper reels of TV shows or old “America’s Funniest Home Videos” shows

It’s always nice to see that nobody is perfect and sometimes when you think you have it rough, it’s really not all that bad. I’m grateful when I find someone or something that can bring me out of my temporary funk. Although no one can be happy 24/7, I choose to stay positive about things. I try to live in the moment because I never know what my body is going to do from minute to minute. At times, it’s challenging for me to lift my feet off the ground and walk and then, later that same day, I am able to walk up 6 flights of stairs. Go figure!

In my opinion, laughter is the best medicine. It helps me forget about what ails me for a little while and it helps me deal with stressful situations. When things get overwhelming, laughter is a great way to release tension and move on in a much more positive manner.

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